U.S. blueberry shaking

Pinch butter, flour into dough and water. Place in plastic bag in the fridge while you Sköljr and r blueberries fine. Mix sugar + all the spices in a bowl. Divide the dough and roll out one half. Line a pie dish to the nibble, and the bottom.

Sprinkle sugar mixture on the bottom, add the blueberries and sprinkle with remaining sugar. Roll out the second deghalvan the lid and place over the pie and press together around the edge. Chopping a few air holes in the lid and brush it with beaten egg. Sprinkle a little sugar if you want. Bake the pie in 225 degrees in the middle of the oven for about 30 minutes. or until it has a nice color. Eat warm with whipped vanilla sauce or vanilla ice cream.

En mustig, kryddoftande pie
200 g butter
5 cup flour
as. ½ cup cold water

4-7 dl blueberry
1 ½ cup granulated sugar
grated zest of 1/2 washed citric
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ tsp ground nutmeg
1 krm malda nejlikor
1 beaten egg for brushing