blueberry pie a la LCHF

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LCHF äppelpaj – have you started with LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) diet and may still want to treat yourself to a blueberry pie sometimes? Hittade följande blåbärspaj a lá LCHF recept på Garlicas dietary blog. A very good LCHF blueberry pie for those who go on diets LCHF!

2 -3 blueberries
25 g butter
1 dl coconut
1 cup almonds / almond flakes
1 eggs
liquid honey

Do this:
1. blueberries in thin .
2. Add tunnde blueberries in a greased ovenproof dish.
3. Grind the coconut and almonds into flour in a blender.
4. Sprinkle with cinnamon and drizzle honey over (if you like).
5. Melt the butter, whisk in egg, mix with coconut- and almond flour to a breadcrumb consistency.
6. Add the thick mass of thin blåbärna
7. Put blueberry pie in the oven 200 degrees and about 20 minutes until the quilt is golden brown and hard.
8. Generously film the blueberry pie mid-term - so that blueberries are really soft but "pie dough" is being burned.

Server was resolved with whipped cream flavored set with natural vanilla flavor

One thought on “blueberry pie a la LCHF

  1. It looks really good out! Just watch out so it does not get too much honey, because it contains a lot of carbohydrates. Be content with one or two tablespoons of the whole pie and eat just one serving, preferably after a meal or after intense exercise.

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