blueberry pie with a low GI

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A really good and healthy blueberry pie with a low GI. blueberry pie is very simple and it goes very quickly to make blueberry pie. Simple blueberry cobbler made with blueberries and – blueberry pie with a low GI.

(12 portions)

– 8-10 blueberries (any acidic blueberry)
– 9 tablespoons raw sugar (brown sugar or fruit sugar is also possible to use)
– 6 teaspoon cinnamon (or cardamon)
– 150 g butter

By replacing ordinary white sugar with raw sugar, brun pharyngeal, fruit sugar or honey becomes blueberry pie is both good and sweet and very nutritious and a low GI. You can use honey instead of sugar. Since honey is sweeter than sugar, it is enough about 6-9 tbsp honey.

Dry goods:
Choose from the following ingredients. The total volume should not exceed 6-9 dl!
– mandel (chopped)
– mandelspån
– almond paste (grated or in small pieces)
– hazelnuts (chopped)
– walnuts (chopped)
– kokosflingor
– oatmeal
– bread crumbs
– wheat flour

Oatmeal, nuts, almonds and coconut flakes are most useful and provides a low GI. Wheat flour, breadcrumbs and almond paste gives a high GI.

Do this:
1. Rinse blueberry (you have real hurry ignore it), and in smaller pieces (fast, need not be a “nice” bitar). Put the pieces in an ovenproof dish.

2. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon / cardamom.

3. Sprinkle the “optional” ingredients in the listed.

4. Plane of butter by means of a slicer.

5. Bake for about 20 minutes 200 grader. Place pie in middle of oven.

Serving tip:

Serve with whipped cream or yogurt (10%) if you want to make it even more useful.

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